A blended educational delivery model to inspire young people through interaction with role models.


We are a for profit social enterprise committed to sparking life changing inspiration for students and families through interaction with role models, access to education, and practical life skills – both digitally and in person.

 MU is under the wing of the Saïd Foundation Toucan Project, The Microuniversity builds further on 40 years of experience in supporting individuals in their education.


The Toucan Project endeavours to support and enable young people to find and fulfil their potential in education and sustainability-engagement. Our ongoing initiatives include:

The Toucan Microuniversity Speaker Series is a regular speaker event that brings together expert panelists from an interdisciplinary range of backgrounds to share their expertise on a range of important and timely issues that include sustainability, education, and social impact, among others.


The Community Opportunity Centre in collaboration with The Queen Rania Foundation is a ‭‭blended education concept that presents a unique, multi-dimensional response to the ‬‬myriad social, skills, educational and community needs of Syrian and Jordanian communities as well as embracing students from nations across the MENA region and beyond. Empowering, enabling and building bridges for more students to access higher education and enhance literacy levels.


The Toucan Project/Saïd Foundation has a strong and long-standing relationship with The Zoological Society of London, and endeavours to support ZSL with developing and delivering its future Conservation Learning Centre that seeks to ‭foster knowledge and understanding of the natural world, building long-term global‬ conservation capability through education and training at both its London and Whipsnade locations.


Toucan’s Debt Free Student Financing initiative is an innovative and novel concept that seeks to upend the conventional thinking around student financing for higher education and vocational training. The aim is to widen and democratize access to education for young people while making financing much less prohibitive during schooling and after graduation allowing students to transition into the workforce and go on to build better lives